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Say NO To Woodside’s Destructive Project In Australia

The Scarborough gas project is the first stage of Woodside’s Burrup Hub – the most climate-polluting project ever proposed in Australia.

It will impact marine parks and protected areas, which are home to already vulnerable species

The toxic gas that Woodside wants to drill is a dangerous fossil fuel driving climate change. Renewable energy is already powering the country, taking the lead over dirty coal and gas. There’s just no need for gas.

Please head over to the following page of Greenpeace Pacific to watch their excellent video and to get the news.


Don’t forget to SHARE this post with MANY on social media and by other means!

350 Borloo Perth is heading a campaign to prevent new gas (as directed by the International Energy Agency), which can lead to increased fires as well as to destroying native rock art and the habitat of our magnificent cetaceans.

If you are in Western Australia or know someone who is, please ask them to read the important information at the page below, and SIGN up to help the campaign!

No Need for Scarborough Gas

Sign up to volunteer with 350 Borloo Perth (if you’re in Western Australia)

Dale the Whale at the Perth Royal Show


To work out your Chinese Year of Birth, click


Happy Kitten

inner peace shifu


Save a Forgotten Equine – Support S.A.F.E.

Palomino_Mare_and_FoalPalomino Mare and Foal 2007 Wikipedia Creative Commons

Since 2005, Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE) in Washington, U.S.A. has been rescuing and rehabilitating horses that have been starved, neglected, abused or are unwanted.   S.A.FE. has formal agreements in place with Animal Control agencies in King, Pierce and Skagit counties to support their fight to protect horses in this region.   Please visit their wonderful website and do what you can to help horses.

Save a Forgotten Equine  click HERE



Other must read Posts about S.AF.E.  & Horses are below 

please READ & SHARE

If you love Horses, please support S.A.F.E.

Help Animals

In memory of Grace

Can a Horse feel Guilt ?

Celebrating the Universal Year 8 and the Chinese New Year of the Dragon

Pi-Xie or Pi-Yao
My pi-yao figurine, mythical hybrid animal with a dragon’s head, horns, wings & a lion’s body!


The Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year marks the start of the new year. The Chinese calendar is based upon the movements of the Sun and the Moon. It’s called a lunisolar calendar. It has also been referred to as the Yin, Xia, Lunar, or old Chinese calendar.¹

Although China has adopted the Gregorian calendar for official and business occasions, the traditional Chinese calendar is widely used to define 24 solar terms and traditional holidays and helps to choose a lucky day before important activities such as wedding or moving into a new house.¹

In 104 BCE, Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty (206 BCE to 220 CE) approved a calendar reform that fixed the beginning of the year on the day of the first new moon after the sun enters the 11th sign of the solar zodiac, or the second new moon after the winter solstice. This is also the first day of the solar term known as “beginning of spring

The solar zodiac in Western Astrology refers to a cycle of constellations starting with Aries and ending with Pisces. Aquarius is the 11th sign corresponding to dates between January 21st and February 19th.³

The winter solstice in China, the shortest day and longest night of the year, occurs around the 21st December. So the Chinese New Year or Lunisolar Calendar Year begins on the day of the first new moon after January 21st or on the day of the second new moon after approx. 21st December.

Moon Phases 2024 – Lunar Calendar for Beijing, Beijing Municipality, China


Numerology is the belief in an occult, divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. Numbers carry spiritual significance and meaning, according to the Pythagoreans in the 6th century BC.⁴

We find ourselves universally in a Year 8 in 2024, which is calculated by adding the digits together — 2+0+2+4=8. A Year 8 is a powerful one and seeks to show us that anything is possible.⁴

The Universal Year Number is what colors the canvas of our world and our lives, and what flavours our collective experiences throughout the year.

2024 is the Year of the Dragon

The Chinese year of the Dragon is the fifth year of the 12-year-cycle of Chinese Zodiac animals. The old Chinese story (legend) behind this was that the Jade emperor ordered a race to select the 12 animals to be his personal guards. The animals arrived in the order of the cycle.

The Chinese Zodiac is based on 12 consecutive lunisolar years, observed to correspond to particular characteristics of 12 animals.

People born in the Year of the Dragon were born in 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, and 2024.⁵ Find out what Chinese Year you were born in by clicking here! The picture below shows the 12 Chinese animals.

Chinese New Year animals
Image by macrovector on Freepik

“Dragons” are seen as intelligent and bold self-starters with big ambitions. They’re passionate about their goals and have the self-reliance, smarts, and charm to win over people, succeed at business dealings, and in general enjoy life!⁵

I was born in the Year of the Water Rabbit. I am a quadruple Virgo (with the Sun and 3 planets in Virgo) with Scorpio rising and a Leo Moon, according to Western Astrology.

Did you know that each Animal sign has a fixed element, one of metal / water / wood / fire / earth, and a fixed polarity, being either Yin (feminine) or Yang (masculine)?

Also, colors are associated with the elements.

The last Year of the Dragon was in 2012. The next will be in 2036.

But animal signs have a changeable element within a 60-year cycle consisting of 5 lots of 12 animals utilizing the 4 elements! Each month, day and hour are also associated with an animal and an element.

This means that the Wood Dragon and the other combinations of animal and element appear only once every 60 years.

10th February 2024 ushers in the Year of the Green (Wood) Dragon. It’s the Year of the Green (Wood) Dragon from 10th February 2024 until 28th January 2025.

Green and Wood denote growth and prosperity!

The Table below is a great resource showing the 60 year cycles of Chinese years from 1924 to 2044.

Exploring Chinese History :: Features :: Chinese Lunar Calendar :: The 60- Year Cycle

The Energies of the Year of the Green Wood Dragon

“Life is like a garden, you reap what you sow”

“You are the star of your own show”

2024, the Year of the Dragon is associated with the element of wood, which is associated with the colour green. Therefore, this year is specifically the Year of the Green Wood Dragon, sometimes referred to as the Year of the Green Dragon.

As we move from the Year of the Rabbit with its attendant love of home comforts and yearning for personal satisfaction, along with the Universal Year 7, which was about looking at the meaning of life and renewing our spirituality, into the Year of the Dragon, we build upon what we learned and upon the foundations created in 2023.

The dragon stands for connection, transformation, liberation, and the natural flow of life. It pushes us towards making wise decisions for our future and comes with the potential for significant choices.⁶

The wood element is all about getting things done, physical exercise, embracing change, and following your passions. But it’s also important to keep an eye on your emotional well-being and look after your liver and gallbladder health.⁶

Eat fresh foods and ditch fried, fatty foods, sugary foods, and high dairy products. Consume fibre such as legumes, whole-grain cereal and bread, make sure that you exercise regularly, keep your weight at a healthy level, and drink plenty of water to look after your gall-bladder.

Cninese New Year Philatelic Numismatic Cover
My Year of the Dragon Philatelic Numismatic Cover (PNC), photo provided by Grace Mary Power.

Dantian Health states the following about 2024.

  • The Year of the Wood Dragon symbolises strength, vitality, and new beginnings with confidence and courage.
  • It offers countless opportunities for personal and professional achievements, encouraging boldness and pursuing dreams with creativity and passion.
  • Wood Dragons in 2024 should embrace change and adaptability to unlock opportunities, while being mindful of potential challenges and utilizing their unique strengths for strategic moves.
  • Recognise the potential health challenges associated with the Wood Dragon’s yang energy, particularly affecting the liver and gallbladder.
  • Maintaining inner balance through relaxing activities like meditation and spending time outdoors is crucial during this period.

Master Steven Chen says on his Facebook page that the Year of the Rabbit and the Year of the Dragon combination is a match made in heaven:

Rabbits: Gentle, calm, and compassionate.

Dragons: Powerful, charismatic, and ambitious.

Together, they create a harmonious and happy relationship:

They balance each other out and bring out the best in one another.

Rabbits admire dragons for courage and confidence.

Dragons appreciate rabbits for kindness and support.

They share a common vision and work together to achieve goals.

As 2023 the Year of the Rabbit ends and merges into the Year of the Dragon on 10th February 2024 let the above characteristics support you in 2024!

The Year of the Green Wood Dragon and the Universal Year 8

Numbered starting blocks at sports swimming pool
Photo by Hussain Badshah on Unsplash

2024 is said to be about flexibility, adaptability, growth, strength, vitality, confidence, discipline, action, courage, and believing in yourself and taking charge of your life.

Some people regard astrology and numerology as pseudo-science, yet their study and use has lasted, and their use began as long ago as the study and use of human endeavors such as astronomy.

People over millennia have observed recurring correspondences of energies and traits with astrological and numerological movements. The earliest evidence for astrology dates from the 3rd millennium BC, i.e. 3000 to 2001 BCE. In ancient times it was inseparable from astronomy.

Adding 2+0+2+4 gives the number eight for the Universal Year for 2024 in numerology.

Simone Matthews says that the last time we experienced a Universal 8 Year in numerology was 9 years ago in 2015. The next Universal 8 Year will be 9 years from 2024, i.e. in 2033.

Recall that the next Year of the Dragon (red Fire Dragon) will be in 2036 resonating with a Universal 11 Year (2+0+3=+6=11 and 11 is a master number so you don’t reduce it to 2 by adding 1 to 1). The last Year of the Dragon in 2012 (black Water Dragon) coincided with a Universal 5 Year.

There are a lot of combinations of the numerological Universal Year with the Chinese New Years. The next combination of Universal 8 Year and the Year of the Green Wood Dragon will be in the year 2204!

As 2024, the Year of the Green Wood Dragon is also a Universal 8 Year, it will be tinged or impacted by the energies of the number 8.

Simone Matthews states:

The number 8 when turned side-ways looks like the infinity symbol or the central core of a toric field and that is exactly the energy of what the Number 8 is about. The Number 8 is expansive, connects you ‘as above, so below, as within’, and transforms your life on every level.

It’s the number of mystery & miracles that connects us with our powerful & spiritual natures through eternity.”⁷

So, in 2024 we will be reaping what we sowed in 2023 through employing our personal power, ambition, strength, courage, and resilience, while connecting to our spiritual core.

2024 is a Universal 8 Year in Numerology, the year of ‘Cosmic Weaving‘ — taking charge of your life, believing in yourself, and weaving your God given eternal light with grace. It’s a year of personal power, spiritual & material abundance, bringing your dreams into material reality, and having the courage to be assertive and operate from your true north.⁷

And combining this with the Year of the Green Wood Dragon portends a year of success and good fortune.

Wood energy is about flexibility, adaptability, and growth. Dragon energy is about strength, vitality, confidence, and courage.

Dantian Health says the wood dragon’s energy holds the following:

  1. Strength and Flexibility: Like the resilient boughs of an ancient tree, you’re endowed with an unyielding strength, paired with the ability to adapt gracefully to change.
  2. Nurturing Prosperity: The wood element fosters a fertile ground for your ambitions, watering the seeds of your dreams with abundance.
  3. Leadership and Innovation: As wood dragons harness their energy, they lead with creativity and wisdom, pioneering new paths for themselves and others.

Let the energy of 8 and the wood dragon’s energy guide your path in 2024 as you fearlessly chase your dreams, fueled by boundless creativity and unwavering courage.⁶

Astrology and numerology are used not to control our lives, but like anything else, to serve as guides to what we can tap into and to what might be.


1.Chinese culture: the Lunar calendar

2. The Lunar New Year: Rituals and Legends

3. The Western Astrology Zodiac Signs Cycle

4. Numerology: Why Do Numbers have Spiritual Meaning?

5. Chinese Year of the Dragon

6. Green Yang Wood Year in Chinese Medicine

7. Numerology 2024 Universal Year 8 Cosmic Weaving

8. Chinese Zodiac

2023 The Chinese New Year of the Water Rabbit

Image by Christophe from Pixabay

Many people agree that Chinese New Year in 2023 starts on 22 January.

It will usher in the Year of the Water Rabbit lasting until February 9th, 2024.

60 years have passed since the last Year of the Water Rabbit.

RABBITS typically like their creature comforts and are peaceful, quiet, and humble.

I have lived through 5 cycles of 12 years of the animals, in Chinese Astrology terms!

Born in 1963 this year is my sixtieth on Earth. Chinese Astrology doesn’t only have 12 Animal Signs every twelve years, but within a 12 year term, one of five “elements” are assigned to each Animal Sign.

Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water are the elements, each adding a layer of “meaning” or significance to the qualities or attributes of the animal as a dominant force for that year.

A unique combination of Animal Sign and Element occurs only once every 60 years!

WATER RABBITS, such as myself can be emotional. The nature of water is that it flows to the lowest point. People in Animal Signs with the Water element associated have feelings that ebb and flow, and their feelings can easily spill over into e-motions.

Emotions are strong physical reactions catalysed by feelings. Whereas feelings are “states of being” or a combination of thoughts and subjective energy. Subjective means influenced by personal perspectives. It’s best to maintain a peaceful or calm and positive feeling to navigate through life. Being a neutral observer, acting upon the next right step right in front of you, with faith that all is okay, means your conserve your energy that otherwise may be invested in strong and unhelpful emotions.

The webpage below has a Table showing 60 years from the Year of the Wood Rat in 1924 to the Year of the Wood Rat in 1984. You can see from the Table that each Element is assigned twice and this is because there are 12 Animal Years with 5 different Elements.  Therefore each lot of 12 years is associated with two of each of the 5 Elements (making up 10 assigned Elements) and then the Elements are assigned again.


To find your Chinese Year of Birth, head over to the page below.


This shows that the “natural element” of the Rabbit is wood. As 2023 is associated with water, this combination results in fruitful endeavours, because water nourishes trees or plants.

The elements are also associated with the colours white (metal), black (water), green (wood), red, (fire) and brown (earth).

Thus you can refer to 2023 as the Chinese Year of the Black Water Rabbit.

Furthermore, your Chinese Animal Sign characteristics can be combined with your Western Astrology zodiac sign for more information about you.

For example, I am a Virgo Rabbit and this combination accentuates my ability for empathy and tolerance. Virgos are held to be humanitarian or supportive of others, organised, and disciplined, and they like information.

Mix in the Virgo traits with the sociable, friendly down-to-earth Chinese Rabbit – and you may get someone like me!

Here I am sharing my blogs on the internet, all for free, since the year 2012 when I started “Fascinating Amazing Animals.”

I also write personal development articles on the Medium platform. If you are looking for spiritual support, you are invited to head over there to read articles such as the one below.

What Are Timelines?

2023 is the Year of the Water Rabbit and I was born in 1963, another Year of the Water Rabbit.

I embrace this year, in which the energies of the Water Rabbit will be available. This doesn’t mean that everyone will embody the Rabbit’s traits this year. The Chinese theme of the “Rabbit” for the year may mean that overall people are increasingly interested in “home comforts” and community this year and in helping each other. Water Rabbits tend to be gentle and amiable or friendly.

2022 was the Chinese Year of the Tiger in which a lot of people made breaks from traditional ways of being ruled.  People “woke up” to how they are subjected to over-riding systems that influence them.  More people sought freedom or independence last year, aided by the determination and courage of the Tiger.

Please regard the forecasts of people under various Signs and combinations with caution.

That is, don’t hold the information to be definitive, of course. They are more for entertainment value and are too broad to apply to everyone. Depending upon who is saying what, some “forecasts” are more based upon more likely possibilities.

Yearly forecasts under Chinese Astrology OR Western Astrology for a person need to be “taken with a grain of salt” or not believed as absolute truth. For this reason I don’t read YEARLY FORECASTS.

Tune into your intuition and use multiple systems or research information to refine and consolidate YOUR “typing” or categorizing of people, rather than trying to forecast your year based upon the Year of the Rabbit or any other Chinese Year.

Because it’s the Year of the Rabbit from 22 January 2023 it can be easier for many to choose to focus on the intelligence, compassion, understanding, friendliness and resource gathering traits of ourselves and others. Children born in the 2023 – 2024 Year of the Rabbit will tend to have these traits. So if we highlight or strengthen these in ways to improve Life for everyone, we will be creating a supportive and peaceful year for all.

Remember that Astrological systems are NOT about boxing people up or labeling them but are derived from observations of recurring characteristics and happenings over aeons of time.

When we say that 22 January 2023 to 9 February 2024 is the Chinese Year of the Rabbit, it literally means anyone born during this time period is a “Rabbit”.

The Rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace and prosperity in Chinese culture. And so the 2023 Year of the Rabbit invites you to tune into these qualities and sustain them by all peaceful means possible for yourself as an individual and a part of the collective.

2023 is a lucky year for Rabbits if they use their traits wisely to look after their own affairs, while supporting others as best they may. Rabbits should stay humble and not take big risks in 2023.

2023 is predicted to be a year of hope. Let’s all contribute to make this so.

For famous people born under the 12 Signs head to the link below.


For traditional dates of the Chinese New Year head to the link below.


For information about celebrating the Lunar New Year ( Chinese New Year ) and for a deeper look at Chinese Astrology (e.g. the Stem – Branch 60 year cycle ) click on the links below.



How To Help Animals Affected By War And Climate Change

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

If you care about wildlife / animals it is probably distressing to you when you find out about the impact of conflicts and climate change, due to human activities, on animals around the world. From entire ecosystems of the Antartic, with changing temperatures, sea ice levels, food availability, and pollution; to bushfires in Australia and elsewhere, and floods in eastern Australia, un-natural climate changes are bad for all living beings.

Did you know that Cheetahs are affected by climate change?

Here are some ways in which you can help.

Read more…

2022 Chinese New Year: Year Of The Tiger

Photo by Mike Marrah on Unsplash

Gong Xi Fa Chai” means “wishing you enlarge your wealth.” “Gong Xi” means wishing/blessing . “Fa” means to enlarge, and”Chai” ( or Choi ) means wealth.  

Gong Xi Fa Chai is also used as a greeting for:


Ang Pow red envelopes are traditionally given by adults to children at Chinese New Year, which is also a time for happy family re-unions and much feasting and merriment.

Ang Pow, also known as “red packets”,” “laisee”, “lai see”, “hung bao” or “hong-bao” are considered extremely auspicious to receive as a gift and even more auspicious if they contain money.

The Chinese New Year begins each year on the second new moon after the winter solstice ( which is on 22 December in the Northern Hemisphere).  The Chinese use a lunar calendar as opposed to our own Gregorian calendar.  The Chinese New Year is also called the Lunar New Year.

In 2022 Chinese New Year begins today, 1st February. The new moon in Aquarius is also happening today, on 1st February. This New Moon is giving us the chance for a fresh start, both personally and in the collective sense.

Furthermore today Imbolc starts. Imbolc or Imbolg, also called Saint Brigid’s Day, is a Gaelic traditional festival. It marks the beginning of spring in the Northern hemisphere. For Christians it is the feast day of Saint Brigid. It is held on 1 February, which is about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Imbolc is a time of magical energy related to the feminine aspect of the goddess and to new beginnings.

The “Chinese New Year” website states a Tiger Year is about freedom and independence. Jim Carrey and Leonardo di Caprio were both born in a Year of the Tiger!

People born in years of the Tiger are vigorous and ambitious, daring and courageous, enthusiastic and generous, self-confident with a sense of justice and a commitment to help others for the greater good.

Let’s hope that 2022 ushers in a collective perspective of seeing everything as related. That is, human beings are part of the Earth, not separate, but dependent upon Earth’s resources. We have to all truly care about each other and look after nature, to provide for ourselves.

2022 is a year of the Water Tiger. It starts from February 1st, 2022, and ends on January 21st, 2023. A Water Tiger year occurs every 60 years. The “China Highlights” website states that this Year of the Water Tiger indicates a prosperous year due to the Tiger’s auspicious signs (bravery, resourcefulness and strength).

February 1st, 2022 is a day to look for and embrace potential for a liveable world where all beings are happy and healthy. You may like to say the mantra “Happy, Healthy, Wealthy and Wise” before you go to sleep and/or when you wake up. Today is the day to think good thoughts and to see the positive and possibilities. And then, every other day, look toward your “neighbour.” Ask what she/he needs and help them. We’re all in this together. Tigers look after their own, and everything that is on Earth is our own.

Happy Year of the Tiger.

My special edition Cadbury favourites tin.

Is the Swan your Animal Ally for 2021?

Enter Carrie Hart’s Enchanted Forest. Pause and when you are ready, click with your mouse.

The Enchanted Forest – click here

My Power Animal for 2021 is “the Swan”. Click on the link below for swan music!

Click here to learn about the Swan

2020 was the wake-up call for every person on Earth.

2021 is the year for collaboration and transforming out-dated un-loving and harmful systems and structures.

Share your 2021 Animal Ally in a Comment here. Let’s start networking and honouring the good.

You may be interested in the following article.

2020 The Year of the Rat

In the animated “Basil the Mouse Detective” Rattigan the Rat got a bad rap, yet “Ratatouille” saw a rat called Rennie as the unlikely hero. While Rats have mostly got out of favor with people, the “Rat” is a symbol of intelligence, hard work and having quick-wit.

The Chinese Horoscope site says that 2020 will be the Year of New Beginnings!

The Year of the Metal Rat 2020 starts on January 25th 2020.


You need to follow your goals with confidence and determination. Relationships and health will be favorable. Seize good luck and opportunities as soon as they come knocking at your door. Believe in yourself.

In conclusion, the Year of the Rat 2020 will bring beneficial situations, opportunities, meetings with special people, luck, and also balance situations, dilemmas, and changes that can push us out of our comfort zone.

In Chinese culture, rats were seen as a sign of wealth and surplus.  If you were born in a Year of the Rat you can look up your year in 2020 at the page below.


The “Chinese New Year” website also gives the timeline of Chinese New Year festivities and other interesting information at:


And last but not least, if you’re really interested in Chinese Astrology you may be interested in my research and findings, by starting at the post below!


Your Power Animal for 2020

Carrie Hart has a page where you can click on the animated Gif of the running water, then you take a breath and ask “What is my Power Animal?”


When you’re ready, you click anywhere on the picture, and your Power Animal will appear. Mine is the ELEPHANT.

Info about the elephant at the page below. It’s about Strength, Wisdom & Purpose !!


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