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Archive for the month “August, 2012”

Lady Gouldian Finch



Erythrura gouldiae, also known as the Lady Gouldian Finch, the Gouldian Finch, Gould’s Finch or the Rainbow Finch, is a colorful passerine (perching) bird endemic to Australia.

The Lady Gouldian Finch originates across northern Australia from Derby in the west across to Cape York Peninsula. Their range in recent times has shrunk dramatically.

The Gouldian finch is a medium-sized grass eating bird that lives only in the northern savannas region of Australia.  It is a strikingly colourful bird which was once very common.  It is believed that less than 2,500 mature Gouldians exist in the wild.  Sadly, this bird is listed as endangered in Australia.

In 1841 the English Ornithologist, John Gould, while on an Australian expedition came across what most believe to be the most beautiful finch in the world. John Gould named this magnificent finch, “The Lady Gouldian”, to honor his artist wife, Lady Elizabeth Gould.

The Gouldian finch is easily recognised by its purple chest, yellow breast and green back. Their legs and feet are yellow and they have a long, pointed tail. Females are duller than males, and the juveniles are completely dull green. There are three different colour-morphs of Gouldian finches, which have either black, red, or yellow faces.

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National Friendship Week


Animal Olympics

Vote for your favourite games in the 2012 London Olympics here

The Olympics is all about recognising and honouring man’s sporting prowess – running, jumping, swimming, diving and doing just about everything else. Yet there are other games that take place far from the shiny new stadiums and flag-waving crowds.   Welcome to the Animal Olympics, where species compete daily in the wild to thrive and survive.Different species have adapted different athletic abilities to succeed in their respective environments, from running fast to chase prey to swimming great distances in search of food and safety.Animals are amazing athletes and their performances in the wild are of often above and beyond Olympic caliber.

And the medals go to the…

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